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Coach Application
Please fill out the information below if you are interested in coaching with The Miracle League of the Triangle!

2025 Spring Season Schedule
Tuesday Night Adult League: March 18th – May 6th
Thursday Night Adult League: March 20th – May 8th
Cary League: Fridays/Saturdays, March 21st/22nd – May 16th/17th
Raleigh League: Saturdays, March 22nd – May 17th
Durham League: Saturdays, March 22nd – May 17th

Coach Expectations
Game Attendance: Commit to attending at least 6 of your team’s games.
Player Development: Teach players the fundamentals of baseball to the best of their abilities.
Buddy Engagement: Encourage meaningful interactions between players and their buddies.
Game Management: Keep games running on schedule.
Punctuality: Arrive 30 minutes before game time.
Substitution: If you cannot attend a game, arrange your own substitute and notify the head coach.
Communication: Download the "SportsYou" app for team updates and communication.
Meetings: Attend the coaches’ meeting (date TBD).
Background Check: Complete a background check (required for volunteers 18 years or older).
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
Phone Number? *
Birthday? *

A valid date as MM/DD/YYYY (for example: 11/30/2015)
Field of Interest? *

Shirt Size? *
How did you hear about us? *

Why are you interested in being a Miracle League Coach?